App for managing policy instrument


In this project I worked with:
All things below






The climate crisis is more tangible than ever and big measures are needed for the world to be “Fit for 55”. In this speculative design, I’ve drawn inspiration from the EU Emissions trading system where the right to emit greenhouse is controlled by the EU. What would happen if this not only applied to big sectors and companies, but to all of us? What could a personal emissions trading system look and work like?

I’ve created a design fiction which is based in 2026, where the climate crisis is a fact and to solve this problem, the world has elected Greta Thunberg as the new world leader of the united world called Pangaea.

The world realized that a dictatorship was the only way because a democratic country has no incitements to care about what happens beyond their borders, as the only thing that matters is to create value for its own residents within the country’s borders. But in Pangaea there are no borders and no separation – only a united world.

Design goal

Design an app to manage a policy instrument inflicted by a totalitarian state for a drastic reduction of carbon emissions, with the goal of inciting hopefulness about the future and concern about ways to get there.


User journey mapping

To better understand the user experience in different scenarios and context a user journey map with a UX-curve was created.


Sketches and wireframes were created that staked out functionality and prioritization of elements.

A mockup of higher fidelty was created.

In order to better present the speculative future, different materials were created that could exist in this potential future. Firstly a Forbes magazine from 2027.

Secondly a billboard, which shows the progression towards a carbon neutral society as well as how the wealth has been redistributed in the world.

Thirdly a movie, which is meant to set the mood as well as a tell the story of the speculative future.

Another project

App for capturing and interpreting photographs

All projects